Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Pylon construction for 110% Anderson Pylon

 Finally got the pylon framed and installed on the fuselage.

Also tied and braced the pylon to the fuselage with front and back carbon fiber hollow tube struts.

Jay Burkart

And so, another adventure in the world of Klarich Kits is coming to an end.  All that remains is for Jack Hiner to drive down to KY, pick it up, and start the covering process.

1 comment:

  1. Not quite finished yet.
    Still have to sheet the sides of the Pylon however
    before I can do that I have to check the wing incidence to
    make sure it is 1.5 degrees and since the wing chord is so wide,17.5"
    I am needing to have a incidence meter sent to me by Jack.
    So I will take some pictures of that process.
