Sunday, July 22, 2018

Where was the AMA?

From January 2016


  1. Indeed! WHERE is the AMA in this conference? If it hadn't been for the one fella (not associated with the AMA) speaking up on modeler's behalf, the only mentions would have been by FAA folks. Ya hafta wonder how many of the FAA dorks aren't trying to impress industry reps so as to build a resume for eventual employment. For all the crowing about AMA savvy regarding this issue - in the Model Aviation toy catalog - was there NO money in AMA coffers to buy a round-trip ticket to DC???

    We - the dues-paying members of AMA - are getting sorry ass representation from the officers. I STILL think it was a really STUPID move to give cover and comfort to the dopey debacle that multi-rotors are becoming. The public at large had NEVER called a model airplane a "drone" until some geniuses at AMA stopped, glassy-eyed at the prospective ballooning of memberships they (might) garner - not to mention the increased ad revenues in the monthly toy catalog.

    But hey - we've managed to make model aircraft synonymous with drones - drones that can spy, drones that can carry or even BE guided weapons. Yeah, friggin genius move for those who supposedly had our backs when it comes to being able to enjoy miniature fixed-wing aircraft. A big Hats Off to this gang. <-sarcasm
