Saturday, August 27, 2011

Muncie In August

Launch of the Dare 2 B Square rocket (seen in lower right photo) from New Ways Space Models.
How such a flat plate can fly so straight is baffling!

1 comment:

  1. I saw it on your web site earlier today. I see now why you didn't hang around -- you had many stops to make. I liked that little clicking sound at the end which marked its demise. Actually the damage isn't that bad. A new inner left panel is all it needs. But the whole thing is beat up from the past.

    I like your dad's new German fighter made in China. I just finished making my first RC model, electric motor no less. Glided it this morning and plan to fly it Monday. It's a 1910 German Taube stand off scale I fashioned from Internet stats., 310 sq in wing, stretched aspect ratio for soaring. All electric parts are from China. The outrunner motor was $14, esc $12 and trx/rec $22 and it's computer programmable. But it was like deciphering Enigma making it all work because of their lousy and in part non existent instructions. I'll send you a picture if it survives the maiden flight.

    Gil Morris
