Monday, July 25, 2022

Domenico "Nick" Bruschi

 Born in New Rochelle and raised on Long Island, he returned to the Republic of San Marino after the war.   He worked as a banker, and in retirement, he was a plug spark in the European Old Timer movement.  In 2000, many Americans met him for the first time when he brought a large contingent of Italian modelers to the SAM Champs in Pensacola, including the inimitable Ninetto Ridenti.

Per chi fosse interessato, il funerale si terrà presso la chiesa della Madonna della Consolazione, in via Salita Ugolino da Montefeltro, 4. Mettete l'indirizzo completo nel navigatore, perchè, almeno il mio, non riconosce Il santuario della Madonna della Consolazione. Si parcheggia nel parcheggio della funivia, c'è il sottopasso della superstrada e si è davanti alla chiesa. Il feretro parte dall'Ospedale di SanMarino alle 9,30 e dopo pochi minuti sarà in chiesa. Io ci sarò.

Sunday, July 17, 2022

Friday, July 15, 2022

Plotting ribs for tapered wings.

I found this in Model Plane Building From A-Z (Carstens Publications July 1969) The NACA taper method. I'm not sure if it works with all airfoils and tapers but it's worth a try.

Sunday, July 10, 2022

Latest from Glen Poole


Glen's recent build is a Rambler for A Texaco and Texaco with OS .20 FS engine.  Glen got the engine from Mike McIntyre.  Tips for using this engine for A Texaco from Allan Laycock and Mike McIntyre.  Glen has not run the engine at this time.  For Muncie SAM Champs next year.

Jack Hiner

Friday, July 8, 2022